Decisive, by Chip & Dan Heath

I’m not sure what to think of Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip and Dan Heath. On the one hand, it is good information about how to create decision making processes that increase the odds of a good outcome. But on the other hand, a lot of the information is common sense. And much of it is shared in other books.

I’ve come to enjoy books by the Heath brothers. They often have unique insights, or at least express old ideas in creative new ways. The writing is straightforward, uncomplicated, and clear without being over simplified.

But at least for me, this book misses the mark. Now to be fair that could just be me. I’ve never had a problem making decisions. Obviously I’ve wrestled with decisions and been wrong on many, many occasions. But by and large, making a decision is fairly easy. So I’m not sure the topic of the book was something of real importance to me. Probably should’ve thought of that before buying it, eh?

Anyway, a lot of people will get a lot out of this book. I can think of many people stuck in institutions (colleges, churches, corporations) who would find these ideas to be a breath of fresh air. I hope they can convince their boss to read the book!
