Free, by Mark and Lisa Scandrette

In the book Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most, my friends Mark and Lisa Scandrette share lessons learned from a lifetime of practicing simplicity in financial decisions. It’s a book with valuable insights into the ongoing conversation about the American Dream, the consumer society, and the lure of materialism.

What I admire about this book is the transparency of the Scandrettes. They share stories of moving across the country, raising three kids, living a life that models hospitality, and doing it all in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Attempting to be counter cultural in a world gone mad for conspicuous consumption, Mark and Lisa have modeled a different path. The book is their collective wisdom gained along the journey.

This is sometimes a “how to” book with practical tips and ideas about living simply. And sometimes a spiritual formation guide as values shape decisions. Each approach is practical, though I’m sure each reader will find themselves in a different situation that requires a unique approach.

Thankfully, the book rarely slips into preachiness telling us how to live. We have enough books out there like that. Mark and Lisa’s style is more of a conversation. They tell a story.

Can’t say the tips in the book are for me — I’ve been put into quite a different situation and world than the Scandrettes have. But it’s a great contribution to the conversation and a book I can confidently recommend to others.

Well done, friends.
