The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness, by Tim Keller
We can all use a reminder that we’re not as important as we think we are. We shouldn’t win every race, get a trophy for every contest, or be the center of every party. It sounds obvious, but our culture has shifted so dramatically that we find our own ego being puffed up in all kinds of unnoticed ways.
Timothy Keller has written The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness not to tear us down but to remind us that we need to get past ourselves. It’s more than just humility; it’s actually forgetting about yourself.
Look, I’m not good at explaining this. If I took the time to explain his ideas this blog would be as long as the book (48 pages). So get the book, read it, pray about it, give it some serious thought. Maybe find a friend or spouse to go through it with you.
Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. You might even lose yourself a bit. And that’s a good thing.