Junkyard Wisdom Advent,

Hope is Invented Every Day

A few months ago I was in Washington, D.C., with my wife and friends. We had a free morning so we visited the Museum of African American History and Culture. It’s a wonderful museum that tells the story of pain and loss alongside perseverance and progress. There were points when


The Boy With the Sad Eyes

This is a busy time for my family: olive harvest, moving my aging in-laws into a home, travel, and a book launch. Plus, this post goes out on election day, which tends to cause frantic anxiety in a lot of people. Being busy or distracted is when I often ignore

Devotions, Junkyard Wisdom Advent,

Halloween and Advent

This is Halloween season, not Advent, so it’s a bit awkward to promote my new book of Advent devotions. But hang with me a bit … there’s a stronger connection than you might think. Advent is about preparing ourselves for the arrival of Jesus. The traditional focus is on love,

Goble Properties, Junkyard Wisdom Advent,

Writing With Bolt Cutters

My job is in real estate. My company, family owned for over 75-years, invests in under valued commercial real estate. Our work is to bring out that value. Everything I wrote above can sound triumphalist. It’s not meant that way. You’ve heard the phrase, “He was born on third base

Junkyard Wisdom Advent,

Advent and Scotland

Greetings from the Isle of Skye in Scotland! I made this simple video you might enjoy. The scenery is stunning, even if the actor is a curmudgeon. The video is short, just a minute and a half, but between gusts of wind I mention the 400-year ban on Christmas in

So you think you're a writer?,

How I Write

People have asked what my writing methodology is. It’s often tempting to be snarky and say, “I just make stuff up. Why, what have you heard?” But it’s an important question, so I should give it a fair answer. Here goes. First, I come up with the idea. That’s the