So you think you're a writer?,

How I Write

People have asked what my writing methodology is. It’s often tempting to be snarky and say, “I just make stuff up. Why, what have you heard?” But it’s an important question, so I should give it a fair answer. Here goes. First, I come up with the idea. That’s the

Book Reviews, Uncategorized,

The Brave In-Between

Amy Low has written an astonishingly vulnerable book titled The Brave In-Between: Notes from the Last Room. Her story begins when her life has it all. She is successful, smart, married to the man of her dreams, has two wonderful kids … life is looking great. Then, sadly, the marriage

Book Reviews,

Empowered to Repair

Does it seem to you that the world is falling apart? I’m not actually a big believer in such defeatism, but you hear people talking about it all the time. Wars abound, democracy is threatened, climate change is unsolvable, and the systems that hold our society together are fraying at

Devotions, So you think you're a writer?,

Surprise to Share

Shhhhh … I have two secrets to share. It’s only for those of you on this blog email list. I’ll share it publicly later. First, a new devotion series is coming. It’s going to be a fun one! Years ago I had an insight and thought it might make a

Leadership, Westmont,

The Crucibles That Shape Us

Full disclosure, I have not yet read The Crucibles That Shape Us, by Gayle Beebe. But I have lived it with the author, at least in part, so I know the lessons in this book are worth your time. Gayle and I met nearly 20 years ago when I was

Family, Leadership, Random Thoughts,


My blog went silent for a few weeks as the devotions were sent, so I’m overdue for a post. Thought you’d get a kick out of this story. A friend sent this meme: “I once got sent out of class at school for being too sarcastic. The teacher yelled at