Love this quote from Billy Graham. No idea where or when he said it, though.
They just had a conference in Denmark to see what they can do about the poverty in the world. Last year in Rio de Janeiro they had a conference on the environment and the ecology. When we abuse the environment we pay a price. When we are selfish and oppress people and don’t give people justice, we have poverty. And there’s always been poverty. Some people have always had less than others. And Jesus said it would always be that way. But as believers in Him, we are supposed to do something about it. And someday, it’s all going to be out in the open. He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world. You are going to be there and your whole life will be before God. And He will ask you, “Did you love your neighbor? Did you help your neighbor when your neighbor was in trouble? Did you have a burden on your heart for those that go hungry and starve? Did you see them dying in Africa because of poverty and you did nothing about it?” Those are questions we are going to be asked.
Billy Graham