A friend of mine has been faithfully reading my blog posts about the 25 books that most influenced my life. He wrote me suggesting an idea. I’ll quote him here:
“You know some of the most interesting “under the radar” people. You should write a blog series title, “The 25 most interesting people you have never heard of”. I’d be interested in hearing who you come up with!”
Then this morning I had a short interaction with an old buddy of mine from first grade. He’s lived an amazing life and is currently doing some incredible things around the world. I’m not sure I’d put him in the category of “you have never heard of him”, but he’s not exactly a household name. It struck me that he’d be the kind of person I could profile.
So what do you think? Should I do this? Seems like it might be a stretch to find 25 such people. Thoughts on how to improve on this idea? Ways to make it more interesting, funnier, creative? Let me know!