I seldom think of a particular month as “amazing”, but November seems to qualify. A lot of good things happened this month and I’m deeply thankful for them. It began with the racing day at Sonoma Raceway, followed by a fun day with the SF Westmont Urban students at our home. There was the incredible D’Oliva harvest, and then we got an offer on a property we’ve tried to sell for over a year (and it closed within 3-weeks). In the middle of the month I had lunch with a new friend, and within a week he had agreed to work for PathLight. There was Thanksgiving when we had a home full of guests and family. And we wrapped up the silent phase of a successful fundraising campaign. All of this only begins to hint at the blessings of the month.
In the midst of it all, I’ve been thankful. Reading my friend Steve Bagdanov’s blog on gratitude has helped, but the continued blessings of God this month have been a real eye opener. God is good. All the time.
Speaking of being good, today is the last chance to help my daughter’s organization win recognition from The Girl Effect. They need a whole lot of $10 donations to be a finalist and thereby get all the publicity (and financial reward) that the organization can throw at them. So can you help? Here’s the link and I hope you can make a gift by 9:00 pm pst to help them out.
God is good. All the time.