When was the last time you thought about the health of your soul? And when was the last time you heard anybody explain the importance of your soul? For that matter, even gave a reasonable explanation of what your soul is?
If you are like me, it’s not a topic you focus on much. Truth is the concept of a soul confuses me. I’m not always clear how to differentiate my soul from my spirit, my heart, or even my body. I know it’s different and has an important function, but I couldn’t give a good definition.
John Ortberg, the self-described Dallas Willard for dummies, has written Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You precisely for people like you and me. This is one of John’s best books and one all of us need to read. He walks us through the confusing world of understanding what our soul is, what it is meant for, and how we neglect it. Most importantly, John helps us understand how to nurture and strengthen our soul.
Part of what I love about the book is how it teaches us new insights while simultaneously being a tribute to Dallas Willard. John and Dallas had a special friendship, and John shares personal reflections about their conversations over the years. When Dallas passed last year it was a loss for the entire world but his wisdom continues to flow through all those he touched. John is one of those who can share the brilliance and simplicity of the Willard legacy.
So buy the book, read it, study it, and take the teachings to heart. Your soul will thank you.