Don’t forget the matching gift! For the month of August you can double the impact of your gift to expand child trafficking prevention through The SOLD Project. It’s easy: simply let me know you’ve made a donation or make a note of it when you send the gift. D’Aun and I will match it, dollar for dollar, up to $5000 total.
This is only for the month of August, so it would be great if you could respond right away. This link will take you to the Global Giving page where SOLD is raising funds for a new resource center in Northern Thailand. This is attacking the trafficking problem at the source — a region where children are targeted because they have so few options.
I hope you can help. This is a great program, expertly and efficiently run, and they have a proven track record of success.
Oh, and if you want to go see where your money will be invested, consider joining us in January! We’re taking applications for people who want to join us on a vision trip to learn about the issues, meet the people involved, and see the locations impacted. Send me a quick note if you’d like to talk about it.
Thanks for your generosity. Now go, click this link and make a gift!