Dear Pastors,
When it comes to social media, please stop posting pictures of yourself on stage. Or the stage itself. Or the band. Or the cool lighting.
To you it looks like an invitation. You think it says, “Look, we’re cool! Come visit!”
In truth it says, “Look, we’re like every other gathering of people you’ve ever been to, with lights, music, and somebody who bores you for 30 minutes in a conference room!”
Most importantly, it does not tell people who Jesus followers really are.
Jesus said we should be known by our love. Not our sound system.
James said the religion God wants is looking after orphans and widows. Not looking at a video montage.
Micah said we should focus on justice, mercy, and humility. Not acoustics, comfortable chairs, or celebrity speakers.
If you want to express the deepness of your faith, if you want to shine light into the darkness, if you want to express the incredible glory of God, then post pictures that truly model the beauty of what you believe.
Post pictures of your church serving the homeless, feeding the hungry, engaging with the community. Show the world what TRUE religion really is. What TRUE faith really is.
Show the world the unbelievable beauty of Christ, who is active in our world, expressing love in countless ways. It’s not about a highly (overly?) produced event on the weekend. It’s about visiting prisoners, caring for the sick, comforting those who are grieving.
If you can’t find those pictures to post, then you might not be doing your job right. But I suspect those pictures are all around you. They might not be as visually cool on Instagram, but trust me, they are very, very cool.
So stop it with the rock concert pictures. You aren’t helping. You are, instead, contributing to what I’ve started to call the spiritual industrial complex. Which is not a good thing.
That said, thanks for all you do that goes unnoticed (and mostly un-posted).
Honestly, I deeply appreciate you.
Just disable your social media accounts until you get a grip.