To everyone sheltering in place, thank you. It’s clearly working and it has saved lives. As one wag said, our parents/grandparents were called to war to defeat facism and save the world, whereas we are called to stay home and sit on a couch; we can do this! 😂
So to do your duty you’ve watched all the Netflix shows, gone through the backlog of chores, organized the kitchen and garage, spent way too much time shopping online, and perfected the Zoom call. You’ve probably also read a fair number of books. Actually, you might need more books to read!
Well, if you are interested, I have a book offer for you.
I have a small collection of extra books written by friends of mine. These are like new books, and the authors include Patrick Lencioni, Ken Wytsma, Pete Greig, Cara Meredith, Paul Coughlin, and I think there might be a few Bob Goff books in the collection. Some of these books were given to me by the author, a few I bought to give away, and others were from the publishers for me to review.
So here’s the deal. If you buy a copy of my book, Junkyard Wisdom, I’ll send you a signed copy of my book plus a free book from my collection. Cost is $15.
Here’s what I need from you: send me your mailing address, your email address, and the $15. I can be reached at Roy Goble, 3037 Hopyard Road, Suite T, Pleasanton, CA 94588. We will ship the books to you vis USPS as soon as we can given the restrictions. If you want to set up an online payment like Venmo, you can email me (roy at junkyardwisdom dot com) and we’ll figure it out.
Obviously this is a limited offer. Let’s call it the Shelter In Place Book Deal. No, that’s stupid, never mind. Let’s just say the offer lasts until I run out of books in my collection to give away.
And if you’d rather just buy my book from Amazon, or prefer a digital version of the book, here’s the link to Junkyard Wisdom and here’s the link to my second book Salvaged. Thanks!