Until a year ago, I never connected Lent with a road trip.
But then I realized there was definitely a connection. Bear with me, and (with tongue in cheek) I’ll explain.
Jesus went on several road trips. He was walking, I assume. No first century minivans.
Scholars debate the timing and route—but scholars debate pretty much everything. If only there had been a first-century Rick Steves with a Rand McNally atlas recording it all. A missed opportunity. Still, everyone agrees that Jesus moved around a lot during his ministry, and he likely visited Jerusalem several times.
So where in scripture, exactly, does Jesus set out for his last road trip to Jerusalem? That’s the trip where he’s greeted with triumphant palm branches and, just a few days later, ends up nailed to a cross.
I put this question to my friend Mark. He’s a scholar, professor, and is so smart he beat Watson at Bible Trivia. Oh, and he has a PhD from Harvard as well. Mark pointed out that Luke 9:51 has a curious comment worth noting. Specifically, it says Jesus “resolutely” decided to head toward Jerusalem. Eugene Peterson put it this way in The Message, “When it came close to the time for his Ascension, he gathered up his courage and steeled himself for the journey to Jerusalem.“
That sounds like a road trip to me! Jesus, along with his fellow travelers, disciples, fans, groupies, roadies, and a curious cast of characters, heads to Jerusalem.
His last road trip.