Book Covers
Hey NavPress team:
Here are some images that I pulled together as inspiration for a cover. They are not in any particular order, and I’ve added captions below them as an explanation for why they are here. Hope it helps!

Obviously I’m biased, but I really do love this cover. It’s clean, simple, but still has a hint of grittiness. The simple color scheme — especially the greys – fit perfectly. And if part of selling a book is selling an author, why not play off what I’ve already branded? The gear alone could be brought forward into Salvaged, perhaps?

The next three, by the Heath brothers, all capture the nuance of the book without using words. Lightening in a bottle, duct tape sticks, switching on/off. Easy to see metaphors but still great graphics/images.
The next three visuals below are just that. They aren’t book covers, but they are images that had something appealing about them. So maybe the screw/bolt DJ, the cowboy, or the dog aren’t the right themes, but the look is unique, gritty, interesting.

You could also develop a “light bulb in the junkyard” theme. As in ideas that come out of the junkyard. This is a 117 year old light bulb that has been in continuous usage, and the ruggedness fits perfectly with a junkyard.

See the rusty sheet metal? That’s what caught my eye here. Had the idea of a book cover that looked like rusty sheet metal (which is EVERYWHERE in a junkyard) or even a rusty chain link fence.

I started thinking about “pulling” parts at the junkyard and thought of this image. Though I wouldn’t use a VW!