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Goble Properties

Goble Properties, Junkyard Wisdom Advent,

Writing With Bolt Cutters

My job is in real estate. My company, family owned for over 75-years, invests in under valued commercial real estate. Our work is to bring out that value.

Everything I wrote above can sound triumphalist. It’s not meant that way.

You’ve heard the phrase, “He was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.”

I wasn’t born on third base, but it was likely first base. I could minimize that by saying it was first base on a junkyard baseball diamond. But it was still first base.

My parents loved me, they had a deep faith, my father …

Goble Properties, Random Thoughts,

Winds of Change

One of my first projects at Goble Properties was to build an industrial complex on a piece of land in San Jose. It was a weird shaped parcel, but a good location. The project was big enough to test me but small enough to get my arms around.

A curious thing happened when the buildings were framed. A huge wind storm came through and knocked everything over. Boards and planks were piled up like so much drift wood pushed ashore by rough seas. Nobody had ever seen anything like it, and the consequences set everything back by weeks. Not to …

Goble Properties, Junkyard Management, Leadership, PathLight,

Conflict and Peace

This story is about conflict that ended with peace and friendship. It’s one of those (seemingly) few happy ending stories, so it stands out amidst all the doom & gloom we often hear.

It begins, naturally enough, as a disagreement about real estate. Down the street from a property I own is a vacant commercial lot. The owner — who also happened to live nearby — partnered with another company to propose a use that I considered a horrible addition to the neighborhood. It was, in my opinion, going to bring in crime, traffic, ugliness, etc. Worse, it did nothing …

Devotions, Goble Properties,

But I do own the damn road

Years ago, when car phones were just becoming a thing, our real estate business posted signs on an office building we managed. The building lacked parking, and the signs gave the usual warnings. They also encouraged people to call our number if there was a problem.

Sometimes, on short visits, I’d pull my car onto the curb to create a little extra room in the driveway. It wasn’t a legal parking space, but it didn’t harm anyone or anything.

One day somebody saw me do this and took real offense. I don’t know why it was such a big deal …

Generosity, Goble Properties, Junkyard Management, Leadership,

Faith and work

My flight to Philadelphia was scheduled to leave at 11:35 AM. But there was no plane at the gate at 11:30 AM, which was obviously a bad sign. About that time the ticket agent explained the plane was ready and sitting in the hanger about a quarter mile away, but there was no one to move the plane to the gate. A classic worker shortage situation.

The drama continued for a few hours as they scrambled for crew, extra ticket agents, and maintenance staff. Eventually they cancelled the flight. I won’t bore you with the (irritating) details.

There’s a misplaced …

Generosity, Goble Properties, Leadership, Salvaged,

The Generous Boss

This morning I had the honor of speaking to the Campolo Scholars at Eastern University. The topic was leadership and the talk was centered around why I wrote the book Salvaged.

At one point we covered the leadership ideas of Max De Pree, which concludes that all leaders finish their job by saying “thank you” to everyone involved. The process for a leader is basically, 1) define reality, 2) become a servant, 3) become a debtor, and finally 4) say thank you.

There’s generosity to this model. It’s basically the servant leadership concept from Scripture, but expressed in more …

Generosity, Goble Properties, Leadership,

Choosing Our Problems

Our company recently had everyone take an online class in workplace harassment prevention. Information in the course made me wonder . . . what problems do we choose to address and which ones do we normalize?

Now let me be clear: I’m not minimizing workplace harassment. It is a problem that needs to be addressed. When I hear people I know/trust/love talk about the hassles they’ve had, it saddens me. We must do better.

So the issue isn’t whether we need to address workplace harassment. Of course we do. The question for me is this: what bad behavior are we …

Goble Properties, Junkyard Management, Leadership, Random Thoughts,

Small Business

Hey, do you know anyone who owns a small business? Odds are you do. So you probably know how hard the past year plus has been for all small businesses.

If the person you know is a person of faith, you might forward this article to them: Buy Local (For God’s Sake): Why the Church Should Partner With Small Business.

Also, if you know anyone in church ministry, you might share that same article.

One of the reasons I volunteer for the De Pree Center and admire groups like Faith Driven Entrepreneur (among others) is because they see how our …