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Family, Sabbatical,

Jesus on Vacation

A lot is made about Jesus sneaking off to pray alone. Different people have different takes on this, including the obvious commitment to prayer Jesus displayed. But honestly, for all we know he played video games and came back refreshed. Okay, so that’s unlikely, but are you denying something is impossible around Jesus? Didn’t think so.

Later this summer my family is heading to Lake Tahoe for a break. I wonder what Jesus would do if he was there with us (and don’t get all spiritually uptight and lecture me about him being with us in spirit – I’m blocking …

Book Reviews, Junkyard Management, Sabbatical, So you think you're a writer?,

So you think you’re a writer?

Four years ago I took a month-long sabbatical to consider where to invest future energies. Great friends offered advice, shared their ideas, and asked me tough questions.

One of the questions often asked was, “Why not write a book?”  I chuckled at the suggestion and pushed it aside.
But the idea wouldn’t go away. Three years ago a friend again asked, “You love to write. Why don’t you write a book?”  This time the idea wasn’t pushed aside as quickly. But to write a book — a good one — you need an idea worth sharing.  A unique idea or

Apocryphal, Belize, Book Reviews, D'Oliva Olive Oil, Family, Goble Properties, Junkyard Management, PathLight, Random Thoughts, Sabbatical, The SOLD Project, Westmont, Wine Reviews,

Taking Stock

Junkyard Wisdom is 4-years old now. Topics have bounced from leadership ideas to wine reviews, from PathLight updates to family stories, and a wide range beyond all that. All of it has reflected my range of interests and ideas.

After four years of this, it’s time to again ask what you have enjoyed most. I can easily look at the data and see what posts were the most popular, but sometimes popularity isn’t the same as having an impact. A quick example: the most visited post of all time was a book review, but that’s mostly because the author promoted …

Book Reviews, Sabbatical,

Sabbath, by Dan Allender

Two years ago I took a month long sabbatical from work, ministry, meetings, and email. It was a fabulous month and good for my soul.

Just before that month began, a friend recommended that I read Sabbath: The Ancient Practices by Dan Allender. I downloaded it to my iPad and then promptly forgot to read it. I know, I know, but hey I was on sabbatical! I wasn’t trying to think too much!

A few weeks ago I boarded a flight and realized that I had no book to read. I found Sabbath on my iPad and began reading. It …

Family, Sabbatical,

Sabbatical Revisited

A year I did something entirely new for me: I took the month of October off work. No email, no facebook, no business phone calls, no meetings, no ministry work, no board meetings, no lots of things. I checked out and focused on God, me, and D’Aun (pretty much in that order, though I admit I’m fallible).

The month was split in three main sections. First came a “chop wood, carry water” time when I helped D’Aun at the D’Oliva Olive Oil grove. Then came some time alone to think, write, and pray. Finally came a vacation to Italy

D'Oliva Olive Oil, Goble Properties, PathLight, Sabbatical, Uncategorized,

The Conclusion of the Matter

So it’s over. The month of October flew by fast and my sabbatical break from work and ministry is finished. A few folks have asked how I feel about that, and I must say that it is good to be back at work. Loved the break, but I’m eager to reengage with the many fun things that I have going.

Would I do some things differently? Yes, of course. The email fast was just a bit too long to be pragmatic. No fast on web surfing was a mistake. Next time I want D’Aun more involved, and next time it’s …

Book Reviews, Sabbatical,

Last of the Sabbatical Reading Lists

For the first time in a month, tomorrow I go into the office, turn on my email, and start my “normal” life. I’m hoping to post something that sums up my sabbatical thoughts soon, but I also wanted to wrap up my reading list with this update.

While in Italy, I finished Mark Antony’s Heroes: How the Third Gallica Legion Saved an Apostle and Created an Emperor by Stephen Dando-Collins. Not a book for anybody but the history fan, but what a fun book to read while traveling in Italy! Dando-Collins follows the history of a specific Roman legion, from …

D'Oliva Olive Oil, Sabbatical, Uncategorized,

Italy Photos

We made it home!  Now that I have a real computer in front of me, here are a few photos from the trip.  D’Aun will post more on her Facebook page when she gets a chance.

Here are some of my favorites … mostly non-tourist shots because you’ve seen the Coliseum a million times.


The night before the trip, Sadie knew we were leaving and jumped into the suitcase as we packed.

Our first morning in Rome, so I tried a cappuccino at (reputedly) the best coffee place in city. I was hooked for the rest of the trip.…