Random Thoughts,

Lumberjack Jesus

This was a week unlike any other. It has been a week of sorrow, frustration, anger, and loss. Reflecting on what to write has left me dizzy and finding the right words is beyond me. Hopefully, in time a unique Junkyard Wisdom perspective on the recent events will come to

Random Thoughts,

What is the Church?

Jesus made it clear to the disciples: you are to be known by your love. Note that he didn’t say we would be known by our theology, our politics, our opinions, our anger, our success, or our popularity. Surprisingly, he also didn’t say we would be known by our intelligence,

Junkyard Management, Leadership, Salvaged,

The Importance of Ownership

Ownership matters to the success of an endeavor. A business, nonprofit, team, family, or just about any effort needs people who act like owners. My book Salvaged touched on this in the chapter about scaling (hint: don’t be suckered into scaling). There is a unique power of an owner compared

Family, Junkyard Management,

Liars and Thieves

A few years ago I wrote this story, but it feels even more relevant today. Maybe because it’s an election year, or maybe because we have our own “alternative facts” to believe. Whatever the reason, it feels like we are hearing more lies than ever before. One reality of this,

Junkyard Management, Random Thoughts,

COVID-19 and Junkyards

Sanitization has became our new national pastime. Rightfully so, of course, because we all need to be washing our hands regularly and sanitizing what we touch if we want to beat this pandemic. I grew up working in my Dad’s junkyard. Junkyards are messy places. Everything in them has a