Leadership, Random Thoughts,

Rose Mu

One of the most fascinating people I’ve met over the past year is Steve Gumaer. Steve is the founder and President of Partners Relief & Development, which provides emergency relief for millions of misplaced people. That’s a fancy of way of saying he and his team work in war zones.

Random Thoughts,

Political Rant

Ten years ago I came home from Washington DC both inspired and frustrated. I wrote the post below, and it’s surprisingly (and sadly) still accurate. It’s 2020, an election year, so the hyperbole is going to be even higher now. So I’m reposting this for two reasons. First, to show

Random Thoughts,

My questions of 2019

You know what the most common thing I said in 2019 was? “Holly, go potty!” Such is life when you have a new puppy. Seems like everything else was a question. Seriously, I don’t think I actually SAID anything. It was all questions. For instance, the second most common thing

Book Reviews,

2019 Reading List

Another great year of reading! Here are the 2019 books I finished. Some good, some just okay, some really lousy. The Infinite Game, by Simon Sinek. So very good. It’s a must read for anyone in business, and will resonate with everyone who owns their own business. Call for the

Belize, PathLight,

PathLight 2020

The year 2020 is just around the corner. No doubt we’re going to hear a lot of 20/20 jokes this week! But in a remarkable effort of restraint (for me), I’ll avoid the easy joke. Instead, I want to share the thoughts of my friend and colleague Roger Dermody. If

Wine Reviews,

Christmas Wines

Need a few wine suggestions for Christmas presents, or thank you gifts, or to serve guests? I’ve got seven suggestions and all of them are fairly easy to find at local retailers or order from the winery. Let’s start with the white wines. D’Aun and my all time favorite white

Junkyard Wisdom Book, Leadership,

Hope Is What You Do

Todd Deatherage had just finished moderating a panel discussion during which I was impressed with his insights. Several people in the audience had surrounded him and were asking follow up questions, but then I saw an opening to introduce myself. We chatted briefly and I ended up giving him a