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Book Reviews

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #14

Admittedly I’m cheating a bit here. This isn’t really a book. At least not originally. Like my first entry about Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip. But if you took all the Calvin strips I read over the years it would fill a three book volume. I know, because I have all three next to me here in my home office.

And oh my, what a comic strip it was when it was being regularly published. Bill Watterson captured the essence of childhood with the witty, cynical, adventure seeking little boy called Calvin and his stuffed tiger …

Book Reviews,

Reading List Updated

Can you believe Fall is here? It’s nearly the end of September and it was a great summer. Thought I’d share my reading list of the past three months. Most of the books are about history, business, spiritual development, or perhaps what I call summerish. Is that a word? But you know what I mean: books that make for good reading while sitting by a pool. Not that I did a lot of that, unfortunately.

Anyway, here is the list. Each is a link to my review or to the Amazon page where it is sold. If I didn’t do …

Book Reviews,

Extra Virginity

Did the title of this post make you uncomfortable? Well, me too. But this post is not as creepy as you might at first guess. It’s actually a book review, though the topic of the book will make everybody feel a bit uncomfortable.

Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil has become a renowned book in the olive oil world. Rightfully so, because author Tom Mueller has done a brilliant job of researching, documenting, and then revealing the crooked side of the olive oil industry. It really is a groundbreaking book.

Mueller starts in Italy and explores …

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #15

Two years ago I began reading the daily devotionals of Celtic Daily Prayer: Prayers and Readings From the Northumbria Community. Each day, usually in the mornings, I would turn to the daily entry and read the three suggested Scripture references and then the daily meditation. Of course there have been times I fell behind — sometimes by as much as ten days — but my consistency has been fairly good. The book has two years worth of these daily devotionals, and I’ve enjoyed them so much that I’m going to start back at the beginning again.

At the same …

Book Reviews,

The Righteous Mind

It seems timely to post a review of The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion just as the Republican National Convention is opening. We hear a lot about how divided the nation is today, and this book offers a unique perspective on why that is. I encourage everyone, no matter your political leaning, to read it.

Jonathan Haidt is a moral psychologist who has studied how our moral decisions are formed. The book has a strong academic bent, which means it is meticulously researched and laid out for his fellow professors. That can be a …

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #16

One of my toughest challenges has always been managing people. I’m an innovator and entrepreneur who loves to tackle new challenges, but management has always bored me. Besides, people can be unlovable at times, and they always seem to have a pesky opinion.

Okay, so I’m not really that one dimensional. Or that cynical. Or that unkind.  But it is true that management of people has never been a love of mine. Curiously, I’ve always been put in positions of management. So I have had to learn and grow — often haphazardly with lots of mistakes along the way.

It …

Book Reviews, PathLight,

How Shopping at Amazon Can Help a PathLight Student

Exciting news: Junkyard Wisdom is now part of the Amazon Associates program! Now you can access Amazon via my blog, do your shopping (like for one of the books I often review), and a percentage of the sale will go toward PathLight International!

People often told me, “I loved your book review so I ordered the book.” Since there seems to be enough momentum to earn a few dollars, and the students in Belize could use the support, it was time to create this new association with Amazon.

Thankfully, PathLight is in a great season. I’ve posted those

Book Reviews, Random Thoughts,

Garage Full of Books

I’m hoping D’Aun will let me paint our garage door like this one. Then again, maybe not. But you gotta admit it’s pretty creative!

With thanks to Robert Crais for posting this on his Facebook page. Crais is one of my favorite authors of private detective fiction, and I’ve reviewed a couple of his books here. …