
Manipulative Generosity

In the scheme of things the gift was a small amount — about $500 — but it was more than this donor had ever been known to give. So it was noteworthy. The gift was in support of a new effort to help at-risk students outside of the USA. The

Generosity, Goble Properties, Leadership, Salvaged,

The Generous Boss

This morning I had the honor of speaking to the Campolo Scholars at Eastern University. The topic was leadership and the talk was centered around why I wrote the book Salvaged. At one point we covered the leadership ideas of Max De Pree, which concludes that all leaders finish their

Generosity, Philanthropy,

Generosity is Messy For Everyone

You’ve heard that I’m going to release a podcast next year. You’ve also heard that the theme of the podcast will be Generosity is Messy. What you haven’t heard until now is just how universal that mess is! Over the last few weeks I’ve started to interview folks for the

Generosity, Goble Properties, Leadership,

Choosing Our Problems

Our company recently had everyone take an online class in workplace harassment prevention. Information in the course made me wonder . . . what problems do we choose to address and which ones do we normalize? Now let me be clear: I’m not minimizing workplace harassment. It is a problem