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Generosity, Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Theological Fatigue

I’m tired of theology.

To be more specific, I’m tired of seeing theology wielded as a weapon against supposed “enemies,” the way an attorney might use court precedents against an opponent. When theology is nothing more than a logical position to be argued, then real people get hurt. When theology is used solely to judge and exclude others, then love—the primary action Christians should be known for—becomes an afterthought. 

I’m fortunate to know a few world-class theologians, and to have been a student of a few more. They have offered me insights into the meaning of Scripture, yes, but more …

Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Love or Temptation?

I recently attended a conference with a lot of young, driven, smart, faith-driven entrepreneurs. From time to time, someone in this group asks me how they can best make a difference in this world. They usually have a great job, but they don’t feel like they are really contributing to the world. In their minds, their faith isn’t being fully expressed through their work. At the core of their question is something more specific: they wonder if they should quit their jobs, move to a developing region of the world, and serve the poor. 

I’ll be honest – sometimes I …

Apocryphal, Generosity, Leadership, Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Five Ways to be Countercultural

Last week I attended a conference with a plenary session featuring two Senators (one Democrat and one Republican). The facilitator, a former Governor, led them in a conversation about how our faith can inform our public engagement.

A lot of the conversation focused on how we can transcend the worst aspects of partisan politics. The idea of vilifying and demonizing those who disagree with us was rejected, and the politicians shared examples of how to disagree with respect. It was a good reminder for all of us, and the Senators navigated the conversation beautifully. They received a standing ovation.

An …

Generosity, Junkyard Wisdom Rebuilt, Philanthropy, Uncategorized,

Generosity Toolbox

One of my goals for Junkyard Wisdom Rebuilt was to offer tangible ways to be generous. As one critic said about my first book, “It explains the why, but not the how.”

That was by design of course — explaining the “how” of generosity can quickly slip into becoming prescriptive. Suddenly it’s a “how to” book in a world awash with them. Even so, the critic had a point, and I wanted to address it with the new book.

But it wasn’t as easy as expected. Each one of us is in a different situation, and suggesting “how” to be …

Generosity, Philanthropy, So you think you're a writer?,

Changing Gears

Are you ready for another Junkyard Wisdom™ devotion series? Say yes. I’m the sensitive type and couldn’t handle your rejection.

The next series is called Changing Gears: A Generosity Road Trip. It starts on May 31 and will run about two weeks.

On this road trip we visit some famous cities, islands, and regions around the Mediterranean. In each stop we will reflect on the insights of a resident or visitor, like Bathsheba in Jerusalem and Peter in Rome. Each person we meet will have something interesting to share about generosity.

And as with all my road trips, there will …

Belize, Generosity, PathLight, Philanthropy,


Lent starts on Wednesday. It’s never been a big deal to me. To be honest I was smug about it; all these people giving up chocolate seemed, well, shallow.

But a few years ago I read about the history of Lent and was impressed by the depth of the tradition. Lent could be summed up as a time to focus on three things:

  • Prayer to focus on our need for God’s mercy and forgiveness.
  • Fasting, or giving something up, to prompt reflection on God.
  • Giving as a way to respond to God’s love.

The last one is what …

Generosity, Leadership, Philanthropy,

The Podcast is Here!

Okay, shameless self-promotion and triumphal announcement, the Junkyard Wisdom Podcast will be released next week! I’m very excited about this so please be patient with my enthusiasm!

On Monday, January 24, the first three episodes will be released. The guests are:

The amazing Bob Goff, one of my first ever friends and a force to be reckoned with!

The remarkable Guy Kawasaki, a unique voice in Silicon Valley with strong takes on a variety of topics.

The amazing Kara Powell, who has incredible insights into the mind and heart of contemporary teens.

Each one shares their take on generosity, justice, …

Leadership, Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

New Year Resolutions

A pastor/friend asked me what my resolutions were for the New Year. Making resolutions is not something I typically do, but it triggered a thoughtful conversation and had me thinking. What, exactly, do I really care most about for the new year?

I landed on three priorities: Truth, Generosity, Love.

We live in an era some have defined as post-truth. That’s debatable, but it does seem that the loudest voices and biggest platforms drive narratives to fit a particular angle on reality. We only shoot the messenger if the message comes from the wrong cable television station — truth be …