Generosity, Random Thoughts,

Messy Viewpoints

There are seemingly endless expressions of how to do church. It’s something I love about my faith because there are always new, creative, interesting things happening. The church is not homogenous, thank goodness.  This is true globally of course. Cultures, traditions, languages, and contexts all contribute to the diversity.  It’s

Generosity, Leadership, Philanthropy,

Generosity in Action

Have you ever worked on something for a long, long time … and then found a simple sentence that sums it all up for you? You feel a bit silly. That’s how I feel right now. For the last several months I’ve (mostly) written about two themes: generosity and action.

Generosity, Philanthropy,

Power Dynamics & Generosity

If we want to give wisely we must learn about power dynamics. One of the tenets of my understanding of generosity is we must go beyond merely writing checks. We need to build a relationship with the people we are trying to serve. This is why we must tear down

Generosity, Philanthropy,

Dynamite Generosity

Is there such a thing as too much generosity? In an age when books like Toxic Charity and When Helping Hurts ask questions about the impact of our charitable endeavors, a lot of folks have taken a step back on charitable gifts. Sadly, a few have stopped giving completely for fear of unintentionally damaging

Random Thoughts,

Ten Things Every Traveler Should Pack

Way back in 2017, when travel was a given and we all shared sneezes with each other, I shared a silly post about things you should always pack. Flying? Road trip? Weekend getaway? Whatever it was, this was a list you could rely upon. For whatever reason it resonated with

Family, Goble Properties,

Celebrating Shared Values

Seventy five years ago a young couple, soon to be a young family, launched a family business. Over the decades it took many forms, from sandwich shops to coin operated car washes to real estate development. Plus, of course, what we’d all call junkyards.  Today we call that small family

Random Thoughts,

Orthopraxy Eats Orthodoxy for Breakfast

Decades ago I wrote an article titled, “Faith Without Works is Dead, but Faith Without Doctrine is Alive and Well.” The idea for the article came about after visiting a church where the pastor gave a theologically scattered sermon. He was all over the map.  Despite this, the church was