Book Reviews, Generosity, Leadership,

Wealth, Temptation, and Job

This story of Job has always fascinated and often confused me. It’s fascinating because it’s impressively rich in wisdom about why God allows evil in the world. It’s confusing because the logic in the dialogue is sometimes hard to follow — are you arguing for God’s goodness or not, Job?

Generosity, Leadership,

Defining a More Generous Church

What is the church? It’s a question we need to be asking more urgently than ever. And I fear that good people are too narrowly defining church. We need a more generous definition. I know there are millions of books on the topic, and countless papers, and nearly 2000 years

Family, Generosity, Philanthropy,

Pouring Gas on the Fire

A few days ago I was talking with a friend who runs a large family foundation. They support a lot of causes but I was curious what motivated them to give to one organization over another. With all the good groups out there, and all the need in the world,

Family, Random Thoughts,

Advent and Angry Bulls

It’s April so you probably aren’t expecting a post about Advent. But in recent months I’ve begun brainstorming about a daily Advent devotional for later this year. And it began with a story about an angry bull. Last year I found out that July 12 is National Cow Appreciation Day.

Family, Generosity, Philanthropy,

The Context of Dirt

To understand generosity is to understand thankfulness. I’ll explain with a story about dirt. What we now call Silicon Valley was once vast fruit orchards. I remember growing up in San Jose and walking through cherry orchards on my way to school, and I’m not even old enough for social

Generosity, Philanthropy,

Giving Without Understanding

This story begins with a generous act of giving time, treasure, and talent. A friend, I will call him Larry, and several people from his church went to Mexico to build houses in a blighted community. These were simple structures with communal water and electricity, so it wasn’t hard to