Junkyard Wisdom Book, Random Thoughts,

Pigeons, Easter, and Hope

Pigeon Monday! For years I’ve wanted the Monday after Palm Sunday to be called Pigeon Monday in honor of Jesus flipping tables in the Temple. Yes, I know it’s silly, and I realize Hallmark isn’t ready to jump on the bandwagon. But the story has always made me smile because

Generosity, Philanthropy,

The Generous Centurion

Hey friends, fun update before getting to this weeks post. I’ve added audio! So now you can click the play button at the top of each blog entry. You can listen to my amateurish voice instead of reading my amateurish thoughts. I’ve done a few past posts too, and I

Belize, Generosity,

The Coin and the Generous Soul

This is a story from several years ago that has stayed with me. It was not a big deal when it happened, but for some reason the randomness of the coin combined with the confusion of the woman has stuck. There is a generosity of the soul in the story.

Generosity, Leadership,

Generous Leadership

Healthy leadership is an act of generosity. And wise generosity is an act of leadership. Let’s run a thought experiment. Let’s say you don’t consider generosity as one of your core gifts. Oh sure, you give where you can, and you aren’t stingy. But you are not seen by yourself

Belize, Generosity, Leadership, PathLight,

Generous Teaching

I’ve got an exciting announcement buried at the end of this article. So please bear with me for a few paragraphs. Teachers are in the news these days as the nation moves toward reopening classrooms. It got me thinking about the selflessness of people who dedicate themselves to education. Teaching,

Generosity, Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Generous Theology

It’s a truism that the older we get the less sure we are. But for me, at least, that’s been a blessing. Certainly there are some things I’m more sure of than ever. For many other things, well, let’s just say that with age comes wisdom, and with wisdom we

Freestarters™, Leadership,

Taking a Walk? Or Charting a Course?

John Maxwell has said, ““If you think you’re leading, but no one is following, then you are only taking a walk.” Now look, I’m not the leadership guru John Maxwell is. But I take issue with his comment. Mostly because it is wrong often enough to make me pause and

Generosity, Junkyard Management, Philanthropy,

Financial Planners and Generosity

Last week I wrote about not expecting pastors to be your primary source of information about generosity. This week it’s about financial planners. Don’t assume that because they know the difference between a charitable remainder trust and a charitable gift annuity that they know anything at all about actual generosity.