Random Thoughts,

Did Jesus say, “The Rich Will Always Be With You”?

Want to do something special for Easter week? I recommend being uniquely and ostentatiously generous. Seriously. Keep reading and I’ll explain why. Jesus said we will always have the poor with us. There are various interpretations of this verse, including one saying it doesn’t mean what you think. But however you

Random Thoughts,

The Angry Messiah

Today is Pigeon Monday. Or at least that’s what I call it. Hopefully I’ll start a new trend! I call today Pigeon Monday because it seems Jesus had something against pigeons. That’s evident from the story about tearing up the Temple grounds. On the Monday before Passover, Jesus entered the Temple


Westmont Impact Conference

Exciting to see my daughter will be speaking at the upcoming Westmont Impact Conference. Shane Claiborne is the best known speaker, but several other friends — Scott Sabin, Amy Low, Gayle Beebe, Telford Work, etc. — will be sharing as well. So what is the Impact Conference? As the website

Family, Junkyard Management,

Down But Not Out

My son Jedd is the guest blogger today. He recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund Ember, an incredible night photography tool for the iPhone. Since many of my readers supported this effort, it seemed best to have Jedd share the latest news and plans. Junkyard dogs don’t give up,

Book Reviews,

Reading Books So You Don’t Have To!

Enjoyed several fun books in the first quarter of 2014, so I wanted to list them here. It’s a fairly short list for me — just 25 books. Quality over quantity, perhaps? My favorites (and recommended) would be It Happened in Wisconsin (a novel), Everest 1953 (history), The Myth of

Goble Properties,

Little Bob

I was a teenager working in the wrecking yard when I first heard somebody refer to “Little Bob.” He was a new employee, and though not really small he was shorter than another Bob who already worked for us. This was 40 years ago. Little Bob worked all kinds