Belize, PathLight,

How You Can Make a Difference

PathLight’s $70k for the 7th Year campaign continues to move forward this month, and I’m excited to see the response! I thought it would help to share why your support matters, so here are the three ways the funds will be used: First, nineteen (19) students waiting for sponsorship will

PathLight, Random Thoughts,


Sometimes I read something and am awed by the wisdom some people have. This seems to happen a lot when I come across the writings of Lesslie Newbigin. The quote below, sent to me by a good friend, strikes just the right chord at this time of year: “The Advent

Book Reviews,

Favorite Books of 2012

Yes, it’s the time of year when I share my favorite books of the year.  Just in time for Christmas shopping. Actually, if you buy one of these books via my blog, then Amazon gives me a small commission. Like a nickel or something. But it adds up! And I

Book Reviews,

Twenty Five Books That Influenced My Life – #13

Robert Gundry is a brilliant scholar and theologian, and he remains one of the brightest people I’ve had the honor of knowing.  I took several classes from him when I was a student at Westmont College. To this day those class notes are an inspiriation when I need new insights

Belize, PathLight,

You Can Impact a Nation!

What would you say to the idea that you have an opportunity to impact an entire nation? You actually do. It’s not something I say lightly – in fact, the very idea of it makes me nervous! But it also stuns me how God has put PathLight in a position

Belize, Random Thoughts,

Coins on the Sidewalk

I found two things in a parking lot the other day.  Both were out of place, lost, and lonely. The first thing I found was a Belizean quarter.  That’s worth about 12 US cents.  No idea how it got in the parking lot of a Pleasanton Home Depot, but it

Book Reviews,

Moravian Church, Daily Texts

A friend mentioned his use of the devotional book Moravian Daily Texts, so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s been with me for almost a year now as I work through the daily devotionals and Scripture readings. It follows a calendar year, so I’m not done yet, but

Belize, PathLight,

$70k for 7!

My PathLight letters often begin with an update and a welcome. But this month I got right to the point because the news is so important. PathLight has a $35,000 matching gift offer, and we need your help to match it. Once matched, this will provide $70,000 to launch PathLight