Generosity, Leadership, Philanthropy,

The Podcast is Here!

Okay, shameless self-promotion and triumphal announcement, the Junkyard Wisdom Podcast will be released next week! I’m very excited about this so please be patient with my enthusiasm! On Monday, January 24, the first three episodes will be released. The guests are: The amazing Bob Goff, one of my first ever


Generous Parenting

A bit of advice for young parents. There is no such thing as a brilliant parent. Duh. We all make mistakes, and I’m sure my kids can give you an embarrassingly long list of mine. A few weeks ago I watched my adult daughter read the Christmas story to my

Leadership, Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

New Year Resolutions

A pastor/friend asked me what my resolutions were for the New Year. Making resolutions is not something I typically do, but it triggered a thoughtful conversation and had me thinking. What, exactly, do I really care most about for the new year? I landed on three priorities: Truth, Generosity, Love.

Wine Reviews,

Uncorked Thoughts

Here are a few wine recommendations you might enjoy this Christmas. They are among our recent favorites, and hopefully you’ll find one that fits your Christmas dinner. A new find for us is My Favorite Neighbor. The Cabernet Sauvignon ($50 a bottle full retail) is delicious. In this price range,

Junkyard Wisdom Rebuilt, So you think you're a writer?,


I started writing devotions simply for the fun of writing them. It began with a series on Advent and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Thank you! So I’ve decided to create another series, this time around Lent. As with the first series the framework is a road trip — this

Book Reviews,

Favorite Books of the Year

If you are looking for ideas to give to a reader on your gift list, here are my favorite books of the year. I’ve read around ninety books as I write this (it might not get to 100 by the end of the year, but it will be close). So the

Generosity, Random Thoughts,

To Be Thankful

A prayer for Thanksgiving: Bless, O Lord,this food we are about to eat;and we pray you, O God,that it may be goodfor our body and soul;and, if there is any poor creaturehungry or thirsty walking the road,may God send them in to usso that we can share the food with