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Junkyard Wisdom book

So you think you're a writer?,

We Have a Book Title!

The dream of a book was formed, ideas were developed, pages were written, a publisher was found, the manuscript was submitted … and now we have a book title!

Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Seems like a book title should be finalized a lot earlier than this. But writing the book really was a process with twists and turns, so the title wasn’t always clear.

When the book was done and the publishers had a chance to review it, the title itself was fairly easy to figure out. But then the subtitle took dozens of emails and a lot of feedback …

So you think you're a writer?,

Manuscript Submitted!

You know what I did about two weeks ago? I hit “send” on an email to my publisher that contained my book. Manuscript submitted!

Yep, I really did it. I wrote a book. Wow!
Of course there is still a lot of work to do. Editing starts now, which I know is going to be painful. And then work on cover designs and layout and gathering endorsements and all that.

But hey, I wrote a book! That’s pretty cool.

And it came out far better than I expected. In part because I asked a lot of people for help. David …