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Random Thoughts

Generosity, Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Generous Theology

It’s a truism that the older we get the less sure we are. But for me, at least, that’s been a blessing. Certainly there are some things I’m more sure of than ever. For many other things, well, let’s just say that with age comes wisdom, and with wisdom we begin to see how little we actually understand. Life becomes a little less clear, a little more blurry. Which, as I said, has been a blessing.

I’ve become comfortable not fully knowing something, which paradoxically has allowed me to relax. You might think just the opposite happens — that by …

Family, Goble Properties, Random Thoughts,

Thankful for Twenty Things From 2020

This was a difficult year. Many have lost a loved one, or personally battled the virus, or been laid off. Some folks have worked long, exhausting hours to serve others. Small business owners have been hit incredibly hard. 

My family dodged some of the pain, but not all. We knew people who were taken by Covid, and many friends/family have battled the virus. I know several people who simply can’t find work, including family members. Our business has seen a drop as our clients, almost all small businesses, have had to close. Some many never reopen. 

During trying times I try …

Goble Properties, Junkyard Management, Leadership, Random Thoughts,

The Morning Welcome

Each morning when I arrive at work I say hello to the folks who sweep the streets, maintain the landscaping, pick up the garbage, and touch up paint on the curbs. They do the overlooked but crucial jobs, allowing the rest of us the luxury of focusing on our jobs. 

My office is on the second floor of a shopping center. The retail businesses are on ground level, offering such things as health foods, jewelry repair, cooking utensils, and pizza by the slice. Most of them open about 10 AM. 

Typically I arrive at my office around 8 AM. So …

Junkyard Management, Leadership, Random Thoughts,

Community is Not Transactional

A few months ago I had a meeting with a young man with big dreams. It was a get to know each other conversation over bad coffee (do not EVER buy a Starbucks cappuccino … not going to make that mistake again). The guy across the table was an idealist. The good thing about idealists is they push all of us to be better. The bad thing is they are never truly satisfied with anything, like a grumpy perfectionist armed with moral arrogance. But then maybe the coffee was just souring my mood.

Our conversation meandered across a variety of …

Family, Random Thoughts,

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Several years ago I came across this prayer and have posted it every few years on Thanksgiving Day. It strikes me how this year of all years we need to think deeply about those things for which we are thankful. A prayer that opens our heart and doors to those in need seems timely and, somehow, reassuring.

Bless, O Lord,
this food we are about to eat;
and we pray you, O God,
that it may be good
for our body and soul;
and, if there is any poor creature
hungry or thirsty walking the road,
may God send them

Philanthropy, Random Thoughts,

Hard Comfort

Fred Smith and I have agreed we should never sit next to each other at a conference or in church because we will continually say sarcastic things and get each other laughing. There’s an underlying reality to this kind of relationship: you have to think alike.

That’s why I read Fred’s blog on a regular basis. And why I’ve shared his post again this week. Fred always has fresh insight into ideas, stories, and especially Scripture. As we enter into what one might call the season of angels — what with them appearing to Mary, Joseph, Elisabeth and Zechariah in …

Random Thoughts,

Election Day Thoughts

Today is election day in the United States, so I’m posting this special edition of Junkyard Wisdom™. See what I did there? It’s a “special edition” like it’s a news show we’re going to be bombarded with for the next few days! Ha!

Anyway, I read something well worth sharing.

Axios has become my go-to news source. I get the morning and evening emails to keep me up to date. On Sunday they posted something that should make all of us pause, reflect, and prepare. I’m going to re-post it here because I think it’s important.

For now, be sure …

Leadership, Random Thoughts,

Another Clueless Guy

A recent Facebook post of mine caught the attention of a long time friend. She asked if it might be a bit too much coming from me, a wealthy white man. There was, she suggested, an air of tone policing as I asked folks to monitor their Facebook posts during the election season. It was my attempt to encourage people to be known by our love, not our opinions. But my comments hit her differently.

We had a good exchange on the topic, mostly out of the public eye, and it was helpful for me process the truth in her …