Leadership, Salvaged,

Vines and Ministries

Quick Commercial: My new book is released next week, June 2nd! Please order a copy here. Okay, back to thought of the week: In the last few weeks I’ve had several people tell me it’s time for them to move on from a ministry they lead. It reminded me of

Generosity, Philanthropy, So you think you're a writer?,

Changing Gears

Are you ready for another Junkyard Wisdom™ devotion series? Say yes. I’m the sensitive type and couldn’t handle your rejection. The next series is called Changing Gears: A Generosity Road Trip. It starts on May 31 and will run about two weeks. On this road trip we visit some famous

Belize, Generosity, PathLight, Philanthropy,


Lent starts on Wednesday. It’s never been a big deal to me. To be honest I was smug about it; all these people giving up chocolate seemed, well, shallow. But a few years ago I read about the history of Lent and was impressed by the depth of the tradition.

Random Thoughts,

Frustrating Parables

Parables can drive me crazy because they make me think. This became apparent to me, for the zillionth time, while writing the upcoming Lent devotions. Over and over Jesus speaks in parables. I don’t really want to think; thinking is hard. Sometimes I wanted to grab Jesus by the shirt

Generosity, Leadership, Philanthropy,

The Podcast is Here!

Okay, shameless self-promotion and triumphal announcement, the Junkyard Wisdom Podcast will be released next week! I’m very excited about this so please be patient with my enthusiasm! On Monday, January 24, the first three episodes will be released. The guests are: The amazing Bob Goff, one of my first ever