Leadership, Random Thoughts,

The Sack of Constantinople, Sorta

Three events in the last few months has reinforced an idea that’s been percolating. They have also reminded me how much we can learn from our past. The first event was during my book promotion. I was a guest on a podcast, and the host was amazed to hear people

Junkyard Management, Random Thoughts,


A bit of advice for my friends deconstructing their faith. The junkyard is where things are taken apart. There’s a reason people in the business called them auto dismantling centers! We earned our living by stripping cars of every valuable part, then selling the bits and pieces to our customers.

Book Reviews,

Celebrities for Jesus

A friend of mine was sitting next to me in the front row of a conference. It was the opening session and we were listening to the host, a pastor, give the welcome. My friend was going to speak immediately after the pastor was finished. But just before my friend

Belize, Generosity, PathLight,

When Helping . . . Helps

I’ve held back on sharing this story because I didn’t want to embarrass anyone. But several years have passed and it seems okay to share now. It began with a presentation I gave about the work PathLight is doing in Belize. An acquaintance listened and then quickly dismissed the work

Belize, PathLight,

The Power of Friendships

For years our work at PathLight has assumed that friendships across geography, economics, race, and culture can create a better future for the students in the program. A recent study — reported here by Axios — confirms this. It’s a simple concept really. Raise kids around other kids different from

Belize, Leadership, PathLight,

Nope, no age discrimination here!

Hey, I’m back from vacation! And did you hear the crazy news? PathLight International, an organization I co-founded and greatly admire, has hired a sixty-something snarky white guy to become their Chief Executive Officer.Worse, he has no academic training in missions, never lived in a foreign country, only speaks English,

Family, Sabbatical,

Jesus on Vacation

A lot is made about Jesus sneaking off to pray alone. Different people have different takes on this, including the obvious commitment to prayer Jesus displayed. But honestly, for all we know he played video games and came back refreshed. Okay, so that’s unlikely, but are you denying something is